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Graduate Student Departure Check List

Graduate Registrar: If you need your diploma right away so that you can take it with you when you leave to go back home, please reach out to Nancy Mathewson (  It is not always possible, but Nancy will work with you to determine if it is.  This can only be done once a student’s degree is 100% completed (all courses completed, all exams taken, all grades submitted, and final degree audit run).

Graduate Student Accounts: Make sure you have paid your student account balance. Email with questions. 

Graduate Housing: If you live on campus, contact the Elizabeth Clark in the Housing Office at with questions for moving out of campus housing. 

Graduate Student Life: Watch for emails from Graduate Student Life as you will be reminded to complete your taxes during the next tax season after you graduate even if you no longer reside in the United States. Also, if you haven't done so already, join the Graduate Student Life Facebook group for students, staff, faculty, and alumni. Request to join via facebook. 

WIN Network: Take advantage of the worldwide network of Wheaton College alums by joining Wheaton in Network!